Category Archives: notes

Review: Chris Cooper’s Lines

It seems strange to think of Chris Cooper’s Lines as a “debut album,” considering the artist behind it has long been a fixture in Sylva’s music community. But Lines, recorded in 2011 at Western Carolina University and only recently released, … Continue reading

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Program note

Quiet has been very, well… quiet over the last six months or so. Let’s not get into it. But there are a few things worth talking about happening at the moment, so there may be a brief flurry of posts. Meanwhile, … Continue reading

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Oulipo + Morbids @ Guadalupe Cafe July 20th

Raleigh/Asheville 5-piece Oulipo bring their complex, ethereal indie-pop to Guadalupe this Friday for the second show of their two-week tour of North Carolina, Virginia, Tennesee and Georgia. Joining them will be Morbids, featuring Sylva natives Ed Madill and Spencer Bradley … Continue reading

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Choices: Crow vs. Hop or Ukele Me Down?

Franklin’s Crow vs. Hawk and Crowhop unite tonight at Riverblaze Bakery for what is rumored to be the last Crowhop show on this side of the Atlantic Ocean for a while. Free show at 8pm. Meanwhile in Sylva, Lily Savitsky … Continue reading

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If you thought WWCU FM couldn’t get any worse…

…then you probably hadn’t considered the possibility that its blight might consume an additional frequency. WCU and a brigade of lawyers are trying to wrangle the rights to broadcast at 95.3FM, which the FCC has tentatively awarded to the Sylva-based … Continue reading

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Post-rock post

This Saturday at Guadalupe Cafe in Sylva: Lost Trail (from Raleigh) – minimalist post-rock Tall Fields (from Highlands) – chilled-out, atmospheric electronica Watch The Skies (of the Sylva diaspora) – heavy, harmonic post-rock Note: Watch The Skies features Matt Heisler … Continue reading

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Back in black and white.

Quiet is back online. There may not be much value left in the name after such an extended hiatus — the original went dark sometime in 2009, and the print zine hasn’t been published since 2005 — but for … Continue reading

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